Tuesday 1 January 2013

My Bizzare Entourage: Doctor Octopus99

Occy & Guggi
Happy New Year my lovelies! Welcome to my project for the New Year in which I will be introducing you to the bizzare members of my entourage. The first creature feature member is of course my secret agent partner (click on link to find out why he's my secret agent partner)  Doctor Octopus 99 -'Occy'. He has appeared in many of my blogs simply as 'R' and does in fact run his own autobiographical musings blog (click on link above to view his blog) which also showcases his interest in photography.
As you can see from my sketch above he is a medical doctor who wears two hats. Two weeks on he spends on the far western side of Australia in a small rural community as the one and only Emergency doctor. After being on call 24/7 saving lives for the two weeks he drives 4 hours up to Perth, catches two planes across the country and comes home to roost with his little chicks for a week. Here he puts on his other hat and consults as an Internal Antiageing, Functional & Nutritional Medicine Specialist in which I play his trusty assistant. Here he saves numerous patients from being condemned to the prescription drug treadmill for their symptoms by actually working out the cause and treating that through nutrition and bio-identical hormone replacement. 'R' actually finds this work more stressful than the emergency work because it often takes at least a year to work out what is going awry in the various hormone, enzyme, neurotransmitter etc systems because each system effects every other system in the body, and then treatment is not a quick fix bandaid drug. You can visit our website www.antiageingdoctor.com and if you become a 'Liker' and 'like' us on Facebook we delight in dispensing useful tips on nutrition, health, hormone balancing and other daring things like how to use a toilet roll to stop your Christmas wrapping paper from unravelling ;-) 
Occy also likes to chase a little white ball around green fields and sometimes I join him but he does tend to take the whole thing a little too seriously so I prefer to play with my friend Sam. The two of us can manage to giggle our way around a golf course with our red & pink clubs flagrantly flouting the rules of golfing convention much to the annoyance of the more serious stick-in-the-mud golfers.
Occasionally Occy will whip out his French horn and play some Mahler - he worked as a musician for a year in a marching band at the World Expo '88 before studying medicine which accounts for his more eccentric side.
Tomorrow the next member of my creature feature bizzare entourage is unveiled - til then my little sweethearts with love from Princess Snapperhead Guggilaba xxx

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